Tuesday, 07 May 2019 9:45 AM
Let’s help the residents at Palestine Gardens:) Harvesters will bring a truck with fresh produce, dairy, bakery and easy to prepare foods that our seniors can manage. ServeKC volunteers will help bring the food in and distribute it to dozens of appreciative seniors in this building and the one across the street to the north . If you have limitations on lifting, we will find a position that works for you, just let us know! Children are welcome to volunteer with a guardian and many of the residents enjoy seeing the youngsters. The gate will be open on the Prospect side of the building, but in a case where it’s blocked, they will open the opposite gate on Montgall Street. Enter the main door and the distribution room is a few steps down the hall to the right. If you have any questions just ask for Amy Ketcher or Valerie Sawan. Please be considerate with your RSVP, we had to reduce the number of added guests because of repeated No-Shows with guests and the residents are depending on your help.