Serve LUNCH at NorthCare Hospice in the Northland

NorthCare Hospice & Palliative Care provides compassionate, state-of-the-art hospice care for people facing a wide range of end-stage illnesses. Their patients are eligible for hospice services when their goal is comfort care rather than curative care. NorthCare serves all or part of the following counties in Missouri: Cass, Clay, Clinton, Jackson, Platte and Ray.

Serve KC volunteers provide a meal for the patients’ families to allow them to spend as much time as possible with their loved ones who are nearing the end of their lives.
NorthCare Hospice does not have a stove – only a microwave, so please make sure hot food is hot. Please bring enough for 25-30 people. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING UP: Sign up and indicate what food item you would like to bring.

THIS MONTH’S THEME: General potluck – bring whatever dish you like.


#1 – Baked ziti – MEGAN

#2 – Main dish – DOROTHY

#3 – Hamburger quiche- BETTY ANN

#4 – Main dish – LORI

#5 – Salad – DIANE

#6 – Salad or side

#7 – Side or vegetable

#8 – Dessert – CHRISTIE

#9 – Bread pudding- SUSY

Again when you sign up, please indicate which food item(s) above you will bring by making a comment. Please be firm in your commitment!!

NOTE: If you cannot attend after signing up, please notify the Event Organizer so that we can make necessary plans. Participants who no-call/no-show may not be eligible for future events.