Saturday, 28 May 2016 9:00 AM
**NOTE: Will open this meetup if we don’t finish painting on May 22nd**
Help a 68-year-old Vietnam Vet get his home back up to code. We’ll assist the nonprofit Footprints to paint the inside of the veterans’ home to make it habitable again.
Paint will be provided, but only a limited amount of supplies so we are asking volunteers to bring their own brushes, rollers, trays, paint pails (sturdy plastic containers) or any other paint supplies. Wear clothing you don’t mind getting paint on and suitable for a warm temperatures since there is no AC.
No electricity is on in the house so bring camping lanterns or headlamps if you have them to help paint in areas without widow light. We may also break early if the house gets too warm or if we finish early, but ask that volunteers commit the the full morning.
This is our first Serve KC event with Footprints and we would like to make a good impression so please be firm in your commitment when you RSVP. We are looking for Event Hosts for future events with Footprints, contact Selena if you are interested.
Day of Event Contact: Selena 816-582-7857
FYI – If you want to purchase paintbrushes, rollers and trays consider Habitat ReStore. I know the one in Waldo carries new paint supplies at affordable prices, you may want to call ahead to stores in Kansas.