Pot Luck Lunch for Hospice House Families

About Hospice House: When staying at home isn’t an option, Kansas City Hospice House provides a peaceful care alternative by providing medical and nursing care for patients facing advanced illnesses, as well as emotional and spiritual support for patients and their families, all in the comfort of a beautiful, homelike environment. It’s a place where many generations come together and where family members are relieved of caregiving duties and can focus on each other, while the staff attend to the patients’ needs.

Serve KC volunteers provide meals for the patients’ families to allow them to spend as much time as possible with their loved ones who are nearing the end of their lives.


Today’s Meal Theme: Pot Luck. Select one of the available (not bold) categories below, then use the Comments section on this page to indicate what you will bring. Please be firm in your commitment.

1.  Main Dish – Shawn

2. Main Dish – Mary Anne

3. Main Dish – SB

4. Main Dish – Betty Ann

5. Main Dish – Kay

6. Bread  – Carol

7. Hot vegetable side dish – Mary

8. Hot vegetable side dish – Gayla

9.  Salad – Lisa

10. Salad – Susy

11. Dessert for approx. 20 – Amanda

12.  Dessert for approx. 20  – Tina

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