Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  When was Serve KC started?

A:  Serve KC was started on Meetup in November 2010.  Originally known as “Serve Kansas City” we were created with the intent “to increase volunteer choice in the community”.

Q:  What nonprofits does Serve KC work with?

A:  We work with a large list of nonprofits all over the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area.  The nonprofits we serve cover a wide range of causes: homelessness, hunger, health services, animal care, environmental, arts and culture, and many more.

Q:  Is Serve KC a 501(c)(3) organization?

A:  No.  Serve KC is not a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.  Serve KC is a Meetup group which is recognized as a tax-exempt Unincorporated Nonprofit Association.  We do not currently have plans to become a 501(c)(3) organization.

Q:  Does Serve KC have any employees?

A:  No.  Serve KC is 100% volunteer-driven.  However, to drive important decisions in how the group operates we have formed a Steering Committee, which is made up of appointed organizers that have a passion for Kansas City and volunteering.  The Steering Committee meets on a monthly basis.

Q:  Can Serve KC organize volunteer events for other groups or corporations?

A:  No, not typically.  Being 100% volunteer-driven we have a difficult enough time keeping up with the demand from our own volunteers.  However, if you contact us we may be able to provide some tips or guidance on how to get started in organizing a volunteer event for your group.  Some of our events do allow a limited number of guests.  To volunteer with us you just need to join us on Meetup.

Q:  Does Serve KC collect membership dues from volunteers or fees from Nonprofits?

A:  No.  Our group is free to join for volunteers.  Likewise, we do not ask for anything from the nonprofit organizations for whom we serve.  Our philosophy at Serve KC is to aid the nonprofit community in the Kansas City area through volunteer service and encourage our members to support those nonprofits through their time and resources if they choose.

Q:  Where does Serve KC get it’s funding?

A:  Serve KC is 100% funded through our corporate sponsorship program.  We have had some pretty amazing corporate sponsors who believe in our cause and who see value in supporting Serve KC to further our mission.

Q:  What is Serve KC’s operating service area?

A:  Serve KC operates within a 30-mile radius of the Kansas City metropolitan area.  We have had difficulty in attracting volunteers to events outside this service area due to the travel distance. See our Service Area Map for more information.