Saturday, 04 Jun 2016 8:45 AM
Please read all details below.
Hope Faith Ministries, Inc. (HFM) serves as an equipping day center for the homeless and poor in Kansas City’s urban core (men, women and children). The mission of Hope Faith Ministries is to equip and empower the homeless and less fortunate to be self-sufficient and independent. Our comprehensive approach is designed to not only provide for the critical needs of people in crisis, but to offer the services, resources and encouragement needed to make the difficult journey from dependence to independence.
NOTE ABOUT PARKING – Park in the parking lot to the West of the building. Please place all personal belongings in trunk or out of sight PRIOR TO coming to the location. Neither Serve KC nor Hope Faith Ministries will be held liable for any theft or similar issues.
We will be serving breakfast (6 volunteers) and volunteering as a personal assistant in the clothing closet.
If you prefer to serve breakfast, please comment and be at the event no later than 8:45am (6 people max).
Please read below for age/clothing/other rules (from their volunteer packet and information on their website):
Dress Code
NOTE: If you do not adhere to the dress code, you will be asked to
please change your attire before serving with us, so please be mindful
of our policies with regards to dress code prior to arriving.
Shoulders, cleavage, midriff, thighs, and feet are to be covered at all times within Hope Faith Ministries.
Unacceptable Attire:
• Flip Flops or Sandals (closed toe shoes only)
• Shorts or skirts any shorter than 2” above the knee, Spandex, Lycra, Tights, or formfitting materials
• Low cut tops, tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps
• Midriff length tops
• Beach wear
• Evening wear
• Clothing containing and/or promoting violence, offensive words, logos, or pictures
(drugs, alcohol, sexuality, gangs, or hate)
• Provocative Attire
Age Requirements:
Any volunteers under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times (you will be volunteering in the warehouse/loft). If you are between the ages of 12 – 17, you must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
Appropriate Client Interaction:
The clients of Hope Faith Ministries are all unique and come from varied backgrounds. While the demographic we serve may be former pastors, college graduates, and individuals coming out of the suburbs, we also see ex-felons, sexual offenders, addicts, etc. Clients are to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. If you experience conflict with a client or observe inappropriate behavior or anything that causes you to feel uncomfortable, please find a staff member immediately to resolve the issue. Never allow yourself to be drawn into an argument with interns or clients. Please remain calm, understanding that our clients are under a great deal of stress. Profanity will not be accepted when working with clients, interns, staff or other volunteers. Demonstrate empathy and active listening to our clients. Do not make decisions for them. Refer clients to staff members for questions or assistance. We encourage you to spend time getting to know our clients, but we ask that you safeguard your personal information and safety in the process. Please do not exchange personal information (such as your address, phone number, email address, etc) or transport or meet privately with clients outside of the safety of Hope Faith Ministries. It is important to remember that we are all here as volunteers and staff to support and help our interns and clients move forward in their lives and gain a successful, independent lifestyle. Although we encourage you to spend time investing in them, we
ask that none of our volunteers date or have a romantic relationship with any of our clients or interns while serving at Hope Faith Ministries.
Due to the fact that we serve all types of families, including children, it is against our policies to allow anyone who has been charged as a sex offender to volunteer or do their community service at our facility for their protection.
Hope Faith Ministries is a drug and weapons-free facility.
Please refer to the Volunteer Page and Packet for further information.