Saturday, 17 Oct 2015 9:00 AM
We’re nearly done with Phase 1 of our Makerspace Makeover! We have lots of projects still to be done including painting, organizing, lite cleaning, and many other tasks that don’t require heavy lifting, although there could be a small amount of that, too;)
This is incredibly exciting. If you’ve been here before, but it’s been awhile, come and see how much has changed! If you’ve never been to the Makerspace, come now before we’re open to the public and put your fingerprints on a new part of history in Lykins!
We may also be winterizing our raised beds and greenhouse, if possible. Always work to be done on a farm:)
If time and weather permits, we’ll do a tour and serve lunch. Hope to see you! 9am-3pm Saturday at 3700 E 12th street!