Come Help The Urban Farming Guys Paint the NEW Makerspace!

We finished(mostly)painting the 1st big space in the Makerspace last Saturday. This week we have multiple painting, sanding projects! Dress to paint and wear layers. We do have heat but some rooms are warmer than others. The Makerspace will be an incredible addition in our outreach to the urban core. Adult and child education, music, 3D printing, robotics, farming, mechanics, trade skills, aquaponics, art, etc…it’s going to be a hub of creativity for Lykins neighborhood. Our $1 house will provide living quarters for our interns who will start arriving soon! We will serve lunch and we always try to give a tour if time and weather permits. Bring a friend or 8;) We had a great time last Saturday. Come out and join in the fun! Robert, Kelly, Tim and I have uploaded lots of pics for you to see if you’re interested! See you Saturday at 3700 E 12th street at the Makerspace building. ( old Kansas City art statuary bldng corner of Cleveland and 12th.

See what we did here!

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