Saturday, 18 Nov 2017 10:00 AM
The Girl Scouts will be putting on a Sash Party for girls of lower income families to show off the badges they earned from this school semester and we need your help! Read further down the post for more information on the Outreach Program or more ways to volunteer with the Girl Scouts
Volunteers will be gluing and ironing the badges to the sashes for the girls. The Girl Scouts provides the hot glue guns, glue sticks, badges and vests/sashes. We request that the volunteers bring their own irons, if possible. Please comment if you are bringing your own iron so I can keep track of all supplies we will have there.
We will be providing refreshments, music and great communication! If you wish to bring any other types of food and drink please comment so I can know what to expect.
Age requirements: Teens able to help glue badges are welcome, but please do not bring children that need supervision.
Historically, Girl Scouts has had a difficult time delivering the traditional troop model in the urban core. Many of the parents we work with don’t have the time or resources available to become troop leaders, but they find other ways to support their daughter by helping out at events or participating in the Girl Scouts cookie sale. Our goal is to give the girls the same rich experience that they would have in a volunteer-led troop; This includes going on field trips, selling cookies, having ceremonies and going to camp. We currently have 79 schools that participate in the Outreach program which gives us over 500 girls each year.
To learn more about more volunteer opportunities with the Girl Scouts of NE Kansas & NW Missouri please visit their website.