Help Mulch @ Union Station Pollinator Gardens

We have a last minute call for volunteers to help move mulch and lay down soaker hoses at Union Station on Wednesday, May 31st.  This is for the 5 new pollinator gardens we helped plant recently with flowers that provide pollen for a wide range of pollinating insects. 

Tools & wheelbarrows will be provided, but you may want to bring your own garden gloves and a refillable water container. We’ll work from 9am-Noon, unless we get done early.

PARK & MEET behind Union Station, this MAP has a red X on the exact spot we are meeting. It’s along the pathway between the Post Office and West Yards Garage. Volunteers will be given FREE parking vouchers if you park in the garage. Take the white ticket when you enter, you will be given a blue voucher to insert as payment when you leave. 

Union Station Kansas City is a 501(c)3 non-profit, dedicated to science education, celebration of community and preservation of history. Science City is a place of wonder, where kids and adults can find something new with each visit. Throw the don’t touch mindset out the window. There are no tests and no wrong or right answers, just a chance to explore with freedom and pure imagination.

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