Help Re-Pot Food Seedlings for Food Desert Plantings

WHAT/WHY/WHO? – Clement Waters Retreat is helping KC families regain knowledge and confidence in home food gardening. Why is that important? The parts of KC where people have the lowest incomes and lowest life expectancies are also in USDA food deserts. That means that healthy food options are just not available to people who could really use healthy foods to help them have longer, healthier lives. This week’s project is perfect for the person who doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty and wants to see the miracles of plant life happen before their eyes.

WEAR/BRING/GET – Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. Bring yourself and a smile!

PROJECT DETAILS – We will be re-potting food plants that aren’t quite ready for the cool night temperatures, but need more room to stretch their legs, er, roots. Clement Waters staff are watering and maintaining the greenhouse environment as the plants grow. Some of them will be transplanted to raised-bed gardens in the street-side food garden at Clement Forest on Jackson & Gregory, some will go to backyard gardens in low-income areas across the metro, and some will go into the raised beds on site at ACCPA.

PERKS – Getting your hands dirty in garden soil is correlated with longevity! That said, the ACCPA greenhouse has a sink designated for washing hands. Think of that ‘dirt boost’ for longer life as our gift to you!

BACKGROUND – The founders of this effort made an eye-opening discovery in 2013 when after a move to the country, one of them experienced an unexpected health turnaround for a condition that doctors had been fighting for nearly a decade. One of the few factors which had changed in their lifestyle was that fast food just wasn’t available in the middle of nowhere. Eating fresh, combined with reducing stress and embracing community, were solutions that cost the family practically nothing. Something that huge needed to be shared! Thus, Clement Waters Retreat was formed to help people define their own version of nature-aided retreat—for better calm, better nutrition, and a better life.

BOTTOM LINE – We’re excited to have you join us as we help nature take back her rightful place in our hearts and minds! Food desert, schmood desert! Let’s make more food accessible to all.

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