Monday, 23 Nov 2015 4:00 PM
Serve KC will help set up at 4pm (for those that can be there at that time, please come) then help serve meals and general clean up from 5-8pm or when the food is gone.
If you can donate food, it’s most welcome/needed. I found 29cent bags of stuffing at aldi and costco has large green bean cans and cheap water bottles. just a suggestion. other suggestions are welcome, pls put in the comments section.
Food donations are needed:
Donations requested for the event are:
Canned Green Beans
Box Dressings
Packaged Roll
Bottle Water (Cases Only)
FOOD Donation Drop-off locations: Joni’s House – 509 W 96th Terr, KCMO. Ok to leave donations on porch as I work from home. I will take all donations to Davis Catering on Nov 21st at noon.
Davis House Of Catering &Good Samaritan MBC are sponsoring a Thanksgiving meal for homeless shelters and impoverished/homeless people. No one will be turned away.
This event is to allow everyone to enjoy a Great Thanksgiving. Our goal is to feed the homeless/ shelters or families in Kansas City that have no place to go for this time of the year.This event is open to the Public.