Help the needy and homeless in Kansas City at Micah Ministry

***Please note, I am going to be in a wheelchair at this event, and you are welcome to find me in the men’s clothes closet, or Kay will be acting as co-host in the dining area, and will help if you have any problems. Janet Nease is also a very experienced volunteer at Micah, and usually works in getting clothing or the food area. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask one of us.  

***Extra note, last week they ran out of toilet paper.  Several of the regular volunteers decided to post on Facebook asking their friends to donate a few rolls. It is basically a toilet paper drive that is open to the public, if you are able to donate some in addition to volunteering, it would be a nice extra.  All donations are tax deductible, if you donate please remind me to get you a tax receipt.  

THIS IS THE REGULAR DESCRIPTION OF WHAT WE DO AT MICAH MINISTRY:   Those in need are always standing in line, but not at Micah Ministry, where hot meals are served to them, along with items from the clothing closet. At Micah the needy are the guests, and we are the gracious hosts. 

If you can be there at 5 that is ideal, but please no later than 5:15 for job assignments. We recommend trying different positions to find your favorite: food server, beverage table, dessert cart, clothing pantry or bussing. Dinner starts at 5:30 and ends by 7 pm. It can be chaotic, but most volunteers find it very rewarding. On a typical Monday evening Micah Ministry serves an average of 500 of Kansas City’s working poor and homeless.

KINDNESS REMINDER:  Micah Ministry welcomes a diverse population, and when we volunteer there we are asked to always be kind and gracious hosts.  If you encounter a situation where someone is not being kind, or you don’t know how to manage the situation, please come find Sharon Cantrell, the Pastor for Micah Ministry, or myself.  

AGE RESTRICTIONS: Because only basic screenings are given for our guests, there are rules to keep volunteers safe. Children 12+ are allowed to work alongside an adult. Those over 16 may volunteer solo.

DIRECTIONS: The Church is located on the south side of Independence Blvd in a light, blocked stone structure with large pillars. The parking lot is behind the church and another is across the street on the east side. Walk in the back entrance of the building inside the fenced parking lot, where the Security Guard stands. Go down to the basement, through the kitchen, and into the dining hall.  As you enter the dining hall doorway the name tags will be immediately to your left. Please make yourself a tag and add ServeKC so we can find each other easily. The beverage table is just beyond the name tags, we will gather in that area until time to serve. 
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