Sunday, 28 Aug 2016 1:00 PM
Let’s Have an Ice Cream Social & Play Games with the Gillis Kids! Kids love hanging out with volunteers.
Please read all details and make a comment with the item # that you will bring.
PLEASE NOTE — NO NUTS IN ANYTHING!! (including no peanut butter).
#1 – 2 family size containers of ice cream, any flavor (144fl oz or 160fl oz) (these are $4.99 each at aldi). (Sue)
#2 – #1 – 2 family size containers of ice cream, any flavor (144fl oz or 160fl oz) (these are $4.99 each at aldi).
#3 – #1 – 2 family size containers of ice cream, any flavor (144fl oz or 160fl oz) (these are $4.99 each at aldi).
#4 – 2 bags of M&Ms, 1 container chocolate chip cookies (cut up for topping) (Samantha C)
#5 – 3 cans whipped cream (or tubs), jar maraschino cherries
#6 – 6-8 bananas (leave whole, we will cut them there), 2 containers (or 1 large) of strawberries- cut up (Cee)
#7 – 4 boxes of 20 count plastic spoons, 1 jar maraschino cherries
#8- bottle of chocolate syrup, 2 jars caramel sauce (or a bottle if available) (Treva)
#9 – random toppings, sprinkles (Jill S)
#10 – bowls, oreos/pretzels/chocolate honey grahams (broken up for topping), marshmallows, cones (Joni)
If you think of anything else that sounds fun and wacky that the kids would like (gummy bears, gummy sharks/worms, etc etc), feel free to bring it.
Gillis Center is a healing place for at-risk children and families, providing education, counseling, social service, residence and emergency shelter. The children who live there, the boys and girls who attend their school-based day treatment, and the troubled families who go to heal; all have a story. Some stories are horrific and traumatic, some sad, some infuriating but almost all of them have the same ending: Hurting people made whole again at Gillis.
Age Requirement: This event is good for adults and teens. No small children please.
Dress: Appropriate modest attire is required, specifically modest clothing (no short shorts, or yoga/tight pants, no low cut or halter tops). Please think of the young men we will be with.