Spring Clean at Literacy KC

Literacy KC is needs our help to spruce up the office and classroom space before an important donor open house.  We’ll be cleaning, de-cluttering, rearranging furniture and whatever else they need to make the place look nice. There might also be some updating bulletin boards and other projects. 

ENTRACE: Volunteers will need to enter through the back parking lot ‘staff’ entrace and be buzzed in. 

BOOKS: Please bring any books you would like to donate. They are especially in need of early reader levels (up to 3rd grade). Their clients are older teens and adults, so it helps to get books where the topic might be interesting to adults, but at a lower reading level.  

Supplies Needed: Paper towels, cleaning supplies, trash/recycle bags, etc., we will need some that day.  They hope to have a new vacuum before then, but if someone has an easy, portable one to bring along (or would like to donate one) please leave a comment.

All ages are welcome to attend. This is scheduled for 4 hours, but we may finish early if we have enough help.

Literacy Kansas City’s mission is to advance literacy among Kansas City area adults through direct services, advocacy and collaboration. Literacy Kansas City certifies volunteers as tutors and matches them with adult learners from across the Kansas City metropolitan area who want to improve their literacy skills. Founded in 1985, Literacy Kansas City is a member of ProLiteracy America, the U.S. program division of ProLiteracy Worldwide.

For more information visit their website.

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