Tuesday, 19 Apr 2016 5:30 PM
The Giving Brick collects used LEGO bricks and gives them to underprivileged kids. How cool is that? Donations are collected, cleaned and sorted to create new sets. Serve KC volunteers are invited to come help sort LEGOs that will eventually be put into sets and given to children with CASA of Jackson County.
This is a Kid-Friendly event as well as a kid-at-heart friendly event. We want to be productive so please explain the purpose of this event to your child and feel free to cut-out early if attention spans aren’t able to sort for the full two hours. Play breaks will be allowed.
We’ll meet in the Nancy Pickard Room at the JoCo Central Resource Library. Instructions will be given as to how LEGOs need to be sorted, no prior LEGO experience required, but LEGO appreciation is a plus.
Have LEGOS, want to DONATE? – The Giving Brick accepts donations of USED LEGOs. Please don’t buy new sets. They accept old LEGO bricks, clean them and make awesome new sets. Check out their FAQ page for more information about donating.