Saturday, 29 Apr 2017 11:00 AM
Volunteers are needed to assist with CLEANUP, check-in, directing guests & help Serve KC pull off another successful Volunteer Fair. We have split this into two shifts and invite you to come early to talk to the nonprofits and enjoy the fair prior to your shift.
2nd shift volunteers will relieve the 1st shift at the check-in table and outside of the library. Greeters will help direct people to the fair and our check-in table where attendees will sign-in, get information and drop-ff book donations. Once the fair ends at 1 pm we will need volunteers to help put up the tables and chairs.
Volunteers MUST WEAR A SMILE! We are looking for friendly and outgoing volunteers to welcome people and get them excited about volunteering. Comfortable shoes are recommended and greeters may want to bring a hat or sunscreen since you will be outside.
We also have a shift from 8:45 – 11:15 am if you prefer to volunteer earlier.