Help Plan Serve KC’s 6th Anniversary

Every year Serve KC celebrates our anniversary during the month of November with a special event and some kind of call to action of our volunteers. Last year we collected donations for 9 of our nonprofit friends at Waldo Pizza, on our 4th birthday we had a potluck and asked volunteers to ‘Give 4 Hours’, we launched the 30 days of Service project during our 3rd, ect…

Serve KC will turn 6 this year and we’d love to hear your ideas on what we should do to celebrate. This is also a chance to highlight our achievements and show how big of an impact Serve KC makes in the community.

Bring Ideas & Creativity. Everyone who attends the meeting bring at least one  idea, two is better, three is fantastic! We will share them first thing and then brainstorm ways to put them together.

Who’s Invited? All members of Serve KC are welcome to attend and help with the planning. We’d especially like to have volunteers who can help with a video or photo project, marketing or social media.

If you can’t attend, but want to contribute please email us at with any ideas or let us know how you’d like to contribute.

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