You’re Invited to Serve KC’s 7th Anniversary Celebration!

Come celebrate Serve KC’s 7th Anniversary with us! Volunteers, nonprofits and friends are invited to join us on Nov. 9 at Waldo Pizza in the Tap Room from 5:30-7 pm. We’ll have some delicious birthday cake & a chance to mingle with fellow Serve KC friends or meet new members.

We will also be collecting donations from several of our nonprofit partners if you would like to bring any of the items listed below. 


Interfaith Hospitality Network — Shower Gel

Johnson County Christmas Bureau — Toys for Boys ages 8 – 10 years old

Ronald McDonald House Charities KC — Paper Towels or Liquid Hand Soap

Micah Ministry — Deodorant or Body Lotion

Giving the Basics — Shampoo & Conditioner

All ages are welcome to attend, bring friends or family to this social event, please RSVP so we can let the restaurant know how many are attending.

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